Saturday, October 8, 2005


So... who am I and what's my purpose in life?!? well can't answer questions I still ask myself so lets move on.... Who Am I? Young Skin, Wise Mind, Old Soul might describe me the best, but I'm still humble as a mofo and never claimed to be perfect. Interests? Got a love for music that can seem obsesive at times, but can barely remember lyrics to songs, probably coz im getting old. Hip Hop is my first love, but listen to a lot of other things, mainly R&B, Soul, Reggae, Dancehall, some of that Pop & Rock (I aint talkin' Britney & 'em) u hear on the radio, Latin music, some of that Kompa & Zouk (some think I forgot my roots, but can't help it yo, got oversaturated with Coupe Cloue, Missile 727 & 'em as a kid... made me hate it, relearning to appreciate it! gimme some time). 
Love movies, all kinds, but I will critisize the hell out of one too, get on some people's nerves lol, ask my sister! Well not much else to say for now, so will end this with a quote from a song as I intend to do for every message I will end up leaving here. Thanks if ur reading this. 

"Could you believe even my shadow's jealous 
My skin is mad at my flesh, my flesh hates my own bones 
My brain hates my heart, my heart makes the songs 
Though my songs come from the Father I'm lonely... 
Hold me, it's gettin' darker" - Nas