Monday, December 7, 2009

Training Progress Vol. 2 No. 001

This is my 3rd, 4th, or 8th attempt at getting fit lol.

But this time around, I have P90X to help me get fit. Plus my cousin did it and actually got results, now it's time for me to get back on track!

I'm already on Day 3 of my work out... that's 87 days to go... O_o

Day 1 was Chest and Back which was cool but still hard and to that add the Ab Ripper X which was harder (especially when you can't keep up lol), but I was good.

Day 2 was Plyometrics... lets just say this 1hr work out took me just about 2 hours lol. Went to sleep and I woke up 13 hours later... Horton did say this was the 'X' in P90X!

Day 3 was alot better, achieved what I was aiming for with the Shoulders and Arms + another round of Ab Ripper X (I still can't keep up but I feel the burn lol).

I'm gonna stick to it this time!

Keep fit and have fun!

Friday, November 20, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 12

Sometimes... if not most times, I feel this way :

My intentions are good, please try to understand me...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Quotes Vol. 2, No. 7

Words of wisdom :
"mas é a sensacao que conta em tudo ....
o que levamos dessa vida... é a vida que vivemos....
e para mim... tudo se resume em termos boas sensacoes... experiencias unicas...." - Marcia do Amaral on 18-11-2009

In other words :
"It is the sensation that counts in everything.... What we take from life... is the life that we live. ... And for me... everything is summarized in terms of good sensations... unique experiences...."
(broken translation, still brushing up on my portuguese)

Monday, November 2, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 11

Today I learned Fido deleted all my saved voicemail messages... They said they couldn't do anything about it.

Two of these messages were from my cousin Vicky, one telling me to wake up, the other wishing me happy birthday... I'm in tears (RIP Vicky)...

Here is another regret to add to the already long list... I should have recorded those messages...

I'm sorry cousin...

Friday, October 23, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 10

I always take time to think about the past, but sometimes it's not volontarily. One word, sound, taste or smell can trigger a memory, good or bad.

This was the case today with the video added below. As I was watching MuchVibe it came up and just blew me away. Brought me back to the days where I was depressed outta my mind... sad times, but happy I overcame them. I just know that if you relate to this song, you should seek help ASAP, whether it be talking to a friend, a family member, a professional therapist or a suicide/depression hotline. The deeper you fall into it, the harder it is to get out of it. Let's all rise!

Mood music, take a look :

Keep your chin up!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Quotes Vol. 2, No. 6

"Many times..Depression come from lack of expression.. express yourself!" - Rev Run

Rev Run is dropping wisdom on the regular on Twitter, Check him out there.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 9

"You know what I really wanna know?
Where do all the good girls go
What clubs they hang in?
Candy-coated unicorns are quite hard to find
The classic lady, a rare breed indeed
Is that make and model discontinued?
You're not extra, you're so plain Jane
The yin to my yang, darlin'
You've got that thang and you know it
But yet you don't and that's what's so cool
You don't say too much, but when you do it's profound
In the street you hold your head high
At home you get low down for me
Sad, but one day our kids will have to visit museums
To see what a lady looks like
So if you find one, I beg you, hold her tight
If you spot one, good sir, treat her right
This is Benjamin Andre signing off
Thanks a million
Good luck and goodnight" - Outkast

... Still can't find her... so... to those generic girls that think they are special because their mamas told 'em so walking around with inflated egos I says :

"She wants to be my lady but I don't see her
She wants to be my lady but I'm a free bird
I gotta be by myself, gotta be by myself this time
I gotta fly by myself, go get high by myself this time" - Asher Roth

Nuff said.

P.S.: I don't get high unless it's with good music... lame huh? lol :'(

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quotes Vol. 2, No. 5

True words:

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 8

"You’re the first thing I would choose,
but the last thing I need.
Girl I’m stuck on you,
it’s so hard to set me free.
You’re the first thing I would choose,
but the last thing I need.
You’re a liar." - Madcon

I watched these videos (below) and it made me think about my past relationships... Made me realize that I have had good moments(still all overshadowed by the worst moments!), but no great relationships. In all of them I have either been cheated (on), lied to and/or taken adventage of... but they all said that I was a great guy at some point... One even went to the extent of lying about her life just to make herself sound more interesting to me... I fell for it... hmmmm...

"You was cheatin' (yes you was), caught you creepin' (yes I did)
To the window, to the wall, skeet-skeetin' (you triflin' hoe)" - Percy Miracles (aka Phonte)

Might as well laugh about it...

Part 1

Part 2

It feels weird sometimes when you fully understand how someone feels when u watch television, especially when it's not comedy or someone expressing views on subjects like politics... but when u watch someone and simply understand the raw feelings without having them verbally expressing it.

That's what u get when you're a sucka 4 love!

"Don't it seem like shit be cool for a month and a half
All of a sudden you frontin' and showin your ass
Complainin' bout what you got
Shorty look what you had
Before me, it was pull-out couches and Bilitant bags
Now she mad cause she ain't got a T.V. in her Jag
I tell you what if that ain't good enough get back on the bus
Give up the princess cuts and the Prada and stuff
I take you out to eat and you order a bottle of what?
Ungrateful wonderin' why I'm not faithful
Ballin's all good but this shit is just wasteful
Want me to pay your bills
Help you get a bigger crib
Shorty I don't mind helpin'
But show some initiative
Ain't brought nothin' to the table but hard times and heartache
Do something, get on the grind for God's sake
A reminder, rewind this message from your highness
For those that chose to take my kindness for blindness" - T.I.

Damn she's ungrateful

Quotes Vol. 2, No. 4

“I come from a hut, from a hut I went to the projects, from the projects I went to a mansion so you out there you have ABSOLUTLY NO EXCUSE!” – Wyclef Jean

Monday, August 10, 2009

Quotes Vol. 2, No. 3

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - Thomas E. Lawrence

Makes you think!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Quotes Vol. 2, No. 2

A nice quote, dedicate this one to Michael Jackson :

"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." - Albert Pine

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 7

"And foreva be in debt, that's neva a good thing" - Jay-Z


Holla at ya boy! After 5 years of strugglin', crumblin' under debt (35K$ not counting interest payed throughout the years) imposed on me by these leeches, bitches & so-called family members, drowning in the depth of my darkest thoughts, I am now OFFICIALLY DEBT-FREE.

"I was a dick who got jerked by Tom and his boys
came on my land, seized my cattle, and catalog
as if it wouldn't leave me less than coy
but I'm far from bitter even farther from quittin'
got a grind date to make, no time for sittin'" - De La Soul

Made the last payments today and now this brotha got big zeros on his credit card and credit margin!

"When I woke up, my debt went down
My locks broke up, my rent went down
My stocks went up, my car sped up
My pockets swell up, my life I found
I'm not so fed up it's time to get up
A clear mind switched my life around
Now I can see where the help is at
The health love awareness and wealth is at
Cause I woke up..." - KRS-One

I learned my lesson, no more shall I fall for the "my credit was so pathetic I couldn't afford a debit" lines from anybody. It's all about me now and forever more.

"Give us this day, our daily bread
As we give up our debts
As we forgive our debt-ors
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us, unevil"

Grind Date fulfilled! Thank you Hip Hop!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 6

just came back from playing wingman for a friend...

"I've got an eye out for she who cries out passionately
We'll do things backwardly, forwardly, horizontally
I'm too young to be settling down
quick to change my mind tomorrow" - Outkast

spent an hour in the club... I realized I ain't cut for this ish no more, felt out of place the whole night. Felt old and surpassed by events and trends... 28 yrs old...

"Now I'm feeling out of touch like I'm two steps behind" - Classified

I feel like settling down is the way to go...

"Critics and fans, they need to get a life
You doin' the right thing, settle down, get a wife now
I grew with you so you know you make me proud
And most of all you gotta live now" - Nas

but... lil' detail, I don't have the chick for it to happen...

"Mrs. So-Fly crash-lands in my room
Can't waste no time, she might leave soon
I wish this song would really come true
I admit I still fantasize about you" - Kanye West

In the mean time concentrating so much on work and getting blamed for it...

"I got plans,
I got a certain lust for life,
And as it stands,
Everything is going as right,
As it can,
They tryin' to shoot down my flight,
Before it lands" - Drake

I'm just being me and get blamed for it...

"Why they always looking at me, like there's something on my face man
No matter where I go, I'm always feeling out of place
And I know I'm not your regular I got a different taste
Probably 'cause most my life, spent right in my basement
I didn't watch the Super Bowl, don't drink alcohol
Don't carry I.D., don't go to the mall
I'm extra argumentative and really good at fast talk
I can't dance or sing but I can rap my ass off" - Eyedea

No... I can't rap my ass off...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 5

"Take a picture, cherish it, I'm God's Son, inherence it" - Nas

Yup, I got it and ready to shoot!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 4

ah don't sleep much these days, bad habits coming back...

"The night is on my mind
The sun'll still shine
But now the night is on my mind, the night is on the mind
The night is on your mind
A yo, the sun'll still shine
But now the night is on the mind
As for me...

I'm a nocturnal animal, God concentrates" - Q-Tip

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quotes Vol. 2, No. 1

A posse ad esse non valet consequentia.

Translation: "From a thing's possibility one cannot be certain of its reality." - Latin Proverb

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 2 Redux

"Lord help me out
save my soul need to find a new route
label me what you like
I'm close to my victory
dosed in the fight
when I open my eyes somehow see at night
beyond trying to see what being rich feel like.
6 figure check for my mom for peace
everybody wanna stick on me like leech
take my blood, give fake love
till I turn em down
I'm the one who changed bruh
ask why I don't call
coz when I was starving you wasn't at all
around. now I gotta shut shit down
Be a man pick friends so selective now
You're cool, You're cool, Fuck you
And to the bitch that *scratch* oh yeah fuck you too
Tried to shine now everyone knows
Yeah Kudi slipped up and loved them hoes
we all make mistakes yes,
no worries I just kill a bitch with success
No bitch on arm
just my words and my stoner charm
and my dimple's deep
I smile at peeps
coz I went out and got what most y'all seek
God walks with me but I'm still vexed"

This song pretty much describes how I felt writing a previous post and still feel at this moment ( How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 2).

Things have been at all time lows in my life in the past 5 years (which explains the title of my blog, couldn't fall any lower so could only fall UP from then on... just in case you didn't get it).

Some people liked me better when I was down there.

Monday, May 11, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 3

hmm... I had to be reminded on 3 occasions that my birthday was coming... I usually react that way when I am not interested in something... I just don't keep it in memory. Well I had no intention on partying or anything, just turned 28, I done celebrated all I had to celebrate so far in my life. Next step should be getting my house and hopefully the girl I will spend the rest of my life with (yes, in that particular order). But with all that happened to me with my past relationships, I have no trust in women and finding it pretty hard to approach anyone that I remotely like.

Something else I gotta work on I guess...

"The girl he wants don't seem to want him too
It seems the feelings that she had are through, through
He seems alive, though he is feelin blue.
The sun is shinnin man he’s super cool, cool.
He's all alone, some things will never change
The lonely loner seem to free his mind at night, ah-ah, at nite" - Kid Cudi

Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 Mother's Day Songs [PLAYLIST]

Playlist for Mother's Day today, bump this in ur stereos!

1. 2Pac - Dear Mama
2. Kanye West - Hey Mama
3. Nas - Dance
4. Ghostface Killah - All That I Got Is You ft Mary J. Blige
5. LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out
6. Boyz II Men - A Song For Mama
7. Snoop Dogg - I Love My Momma
8. Outkast - She's Alive
9. Canibus - I Honor U
10. Jay-Z - Blueprint (Momma Loves Me)

6 More for our Moms :
Saigon - If... (My Mommy)
Brand Nubian - Momma
Beanie Sigel - Mom Praying ft. Scarface
A Tribe Called Quest - 4 Moms
Mos Def - Umi Says
Goodie Mob - Guess Who?

open to suggestions!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 2

So it seems I changed...
This is happening sooner than I expected. Well I guess it's true, no apologies as it was necessary. I had to go beyond certain things to make it where I'm at in life. I might have to say no more than 'hi' in this day and time.

I don't expect them to understand at all. They just see it as me thinking I am above them all. That thought never crossed my mind, but I will live with the blame. Peace!

"Though I empathize with 'em
and sympathize with 'em
I don't enterprise with 'em
or synchronize with 'em
we don't strategize with 'em
we don't fraternize with 'em
let 'em patronize
we don't want no ties with 'em
we won't monopolize with 'em
let them ostrosize
we don't compromise with 'em
we won't victimize with em
commit genocide with 'em
spit they lies with 'em
or objectify women
socialize with 'em
broke my ties with 'em
now we open eyed in this over hyped system" - Shad

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Music : The Abstract Best

Been out of it (The Loop that is!) for the past 3-4 months and been digging now that I have some time for it all. Fell on this one before it was removed from J. Period delivers another tribute mixtape (check out the interludes!!!!) as Q-Tip lays some knowledge lyrically and musically.

The interludes are filled with insight and info on tracks he recorded more than 15 years ago, including one where he recounts the story of Hood who was on the Scenario (Remix) track whom had died before the track was released. This helped me understand what Busta was saying at the beginning of the track:
"Whereas there are seven MC's
Six which are in physical form, one which is in spiritual essence
And he goes by the name of, uh... HOOD!"

This is filled with classic verses old and new and tribute tracks featuring the likes of Consequence (Q-Tip's cousin), Kid Cudi, Skillz, Busta Rhymes, ATCQ (A Tribe Called Quest... for u newbies lol), De La Soul, Dres (of Black Sheep), Amanda Diva (of Floetry... yeah, there was a breakup in the group and she now replaces Natalie "The Floacist" Stewart), Talib Kweli and many more!

CHECK IT OUT, It's Well worth it!

"When you hear this, recognize you hear love
MC nigga illin over b-boy dubs
Riding through the shit like Tron
Doesn't matter if you onboard, do you wanna get on?
Cause if you do, watch all the moves that we make
Gotta do the things right, ain't no time for mistake
It's the hip-hop cat that can't, fuck with Jake
Just because he wear a badge doesn't, mean he straight so
what you wanna swallow it down or let's take it
Disregard those who fake it, yo it doesn't matter
about the realm, hip-hop is to the helm
It's divine to hit the mind like slippery elms" - Q-Tip


Sunday, March 22, 2009


The weight of the world is now off my shoulders. Carried it for 9 weeks straight. Legs got shaky, some pointed at me hoping I would drop it, others encouraged me not to give up. I made it and I am proud of myself as a new chapter in my life is about to be written.

Positivity, don't underestimate it's power!

Now it's time to go to work!

I'm a MTL boy, I may take some getting used to!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's been a long time...

Been a while since my last posting... in case some people have been following lol.
Been busy busy busy!!! Still in warrior mode. Trying to finish something I started 9 weeks ago, and I will only know on tuesday if all this work will be fruitful. But regardless of the outcome, I am proud of myself!

Hail to the Future!

"So much on my mind that I can't recline
Blastin holes in the night til she bled sunshine" - Mos Def

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 3, No. 1

Woke up this morning at 3:33 am after a weird dream turns out that 333 expresses the mystery of the unity of God - Beautiful!

Still don't have a chick in my bed that will tell me what I said in my sleep. But sometimes I catch myself still talking out loud as I wake up.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

They Know

Yeah this winter is really cold, 4 days in a row at less than -30C (-22F). Bugging out, and it doesn't help that the days are short and that we are stuck inside pretty much everyday unless we really have to go out like for work.

This Expedia commercial gets it! This is how we feel inside!

Stay warm!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I wait for this every year end. Will post all the previous ones some other time.
Skillz got the skills for this here thang!
