Thursday, June 12, 2008

How I feel... Defined by Lyrics Vol. 2, No. 2

It's Obama's time! The Evolution will be televised!

"They said this day would never come" - Obama

I have great hope to see him make it and change the face of the USA, has hard a job it will be.

"I'm out for presidents to represent me" - Nas

"If I was President, 
I'd get elected on Friday, 
Assasinated on Saturday, 
Burried on Sunday. Then go back to work on Monday" - Wyclef

They might try, but they won't get him. People keep making jokes about assassinations, nothing funny about it because if "He dies we die too" - Nas

"And though it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to have a black President, uhh" - 2Pac

"Something is holding me back, Is it because I'm black?" - Syl Johnson

A message To All the detractors, black & white:

"Yes We Can"